Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Life, It's ur choice to make it brief or not.

Just saw a guy wanting to commit suicide cz he lost the girl he wanted.

How old are u?50?

Even seniors gets their soulmates late, you'll never know.

You will sure find another 1 in your life,

even a better 1.

DONT think of killing yourself with poison or even medicine jus cz she dump u for another guy!


You r not Romeo, she wont die with you.

You haven even experience what life's all about,

it appeared you are unaware of the importance of your life.

You are living for...

Your real soulmate,

She may be in the other side of the globe, you'll never know.

Your parents who took care of you since you had your first cry,

you haven repaid them, in fact, it's forever not enough.

Your friends,

imagine having lots of friends but the only one you could talk to about this one matter died cause his girlfriend dumped him.

Ridiculous or not, your choice.

One irrational thought is fatal, agree?


You carried so many burden,

and yet,

I never seen it.

Sorry for not caring enough.

Sorry for making you have your sorrow to yourself.

Sorry for being who I am.

I hope you will do well in the future,

leave the past behind,

learn from mistakes,

and enjoy your life til the max.

I will be there for you whenever you need me,

know that well=)